The Visitor - Damian Harvey
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Having a visitor in school can be a stressful and worrying time for everyone.

Will everything go well on the day of the visit? And if it doesn't will the visitor see?

This Reading Champion book is for Independent reading at Red Level 2

The lovely illustrations for The Visitor have been done by Emma Allen.

Click here to visit her website to find out more about her.

Ideas for stories come from all sorts of places and even a very little story like this has to start with an idea. I visit hundreds of schools and there are often other visitors in school at the same time. Everyone wants visitors to see the shool at its best, but sometimes things don't go according to plan. In this little story, there are lots of things that go wrong. Can you think of any other things that could have happened?

I love the way that Emma has drawn the characters. Their faces tell you a lot about how they are feeling. How do you think the children's teacher feels at the end of the day?